Semi Permanent Title Sequence 2017
I earned the opportunity to co-direct the title sequence for Semi Permanent Festival in Sydney for 2017. The three-day event organised sees creative types from around the world gather in Australia, this year under the overarching theme of ‘Designing for Change’, with speakers including esteemed director and screenwriter Oliver Stone; Glenn Cole, founder of creative agency 72andSunny; Katherine Keating of VICE Impact; and Nike’s Kevin Coatman and Ron Dumas.
Framestore pitched 4 separate concepts after which mine was chosen. My concept focused on a technological form of alchemy- the technique of turning ordinary elements into gold. I saw this change as a nice metaphor for the creative process.
My winning treatment
Source Framestore Designs Titles For Semi Permanent Festival
LBB Online Framestore Channels the Art of Alchemy in Sci-Fi Film for Semi Permanent Festival
IA Magazine Semi Permanent Titles by Framestore
Semi Permanent The Art of making Opening Titles
Motionographer Semi Permanent 2017 Opening Titles
Stash Framestore Opens the Semi Permanent Festival with Visual Alchemy
One Screen Film Festival, Winner 'Best Title and End Credit Sequence'
Graphic Design USA, Winner 'Video, Television and Motion Graphics'
AEAF Awards, Gold 'Event Openers'
Ciclope, Shortlist 'Title Sequences'